Here are six types of toxic people you should avoid in your life by using this 3-step method: Spot, Stop and Cut-off.
1. The Vampire
Such people are the most common of the lot and most dangerous. They use you either emotionally or financially (or both) and suck the best out of you and bleed you completely dry. They may also be called Parasites, Creepers or Climbers. They feed on you emotionally and mentally and may even exploit you.2. The Cactus
The Cactus is the jealous Lot in our lives and is incredibly toxic. These cacti are always jealous of your success, both professionally and personally. They cannot be happy for anyone and typically their jealousy will come out as criticism or gossip.3. The Chameleons
Many people in our lives come barging our doors with all pretentious love and care. Especially when we have something tangible that they are looking to extract from us. They may even succeed in fooling us with their sweet smile and ostentatious affection, which will typically last only till our stock will last.4. The Bossy Bobs
You are merely a tool or a puppet in their hands. They love to manoeuvre and control to satisfy their self-esteem and massage their inflated egos. As long as you are under their claws, you are good to go, but as soon as you rebel, the deal is over. Watch out for such bullies.5. The Brokers
Such people are all about giving and take in all their social dealings. Their relationship is always conditional and they want to earn a commission for giving us something. Sexual favours in lieu of promotion or casting couch in the film industry is an apt example.6. The Sympathy Addicts
We come across attention seekers quite often in our lives. They are a reservoir of drama and conflict. Such people always seek sympathy from others by showing themselves as victims of emotional exploitation and how innocent they are.
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