12 Lessons That We All Learned From Covid-19

Over the last year, life has drastically changed around the world. The coronavirus outbreak is not just an epidemic, it’s also a global pandemic. People everywhere are being asked to stay home and stay away from others in order to reduce the risk of infection.

Corona has brought with it a wave of negative outcomes, terrible illness and death, but it also highlighted some important life lessons.

1. Life is Short

Life is short, which is why it is so important to enjoy every single moment. Are you living life to the fullest?
There is no guarantee of tomorrow, and we can't hit replay or rewind. If there was ever a moment to do things that matter to you and have gratitude for your life, the time is now. Because life is short, we need to embrace it. In the words of Paulo Coehlo, “One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now.”

2. Health is The Real Wealth

The most important lesson that we learned in life in 2020 was that health is a priority, not a privilege. Covid-19 did not spare the young or the old, rich or the poor, as it went globe-trotting. It was your immunity levels rather than age or class that was your best bet. It was a much-needed wake-up call to the world to walk the healthy line.

3. Family And Friends Come First

Before the coronavirus dominated our lives, many of us may have taken human interaction for granted. Spending time with our immediate loved ones now, however, has taken centre stage. Despite the frustrations the daily confinement may naturally bring, it’s important to reflect on what our family and friends truly mean to us.

4. Our Minds Matter

While the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted newfound worries, it’s also forced us to slow down and evaluate how we cope with stress. 
Has this resulted in a desire to learn yoga, meditation or mindfulness? 
Whatever the path to reducing stress and improving mental wellness, it’s worth staying the course once things return closer to where they used to be.

5. Learn How To Be Content Alone

It’s so hard for some people to just be still and do nothing. Being alone, especially for extroverts can be exhausting and lonely. Social distancing can be very difficult, but it can also teach you a lot about yourself. You learn how to keep yourself busy. Eventually, binge-watching three seasons of a TV show won’t be enough anymore and will have to try doing something else. Your body and mind is your home and you have to learn how to love it and live with it.

6. Essential Workers Are Heroes

It’s long overdue—delivery drivers, supermarket employees, health care professionals and other essential workers are finally receiving the recognition they deserve. The sacrifices they’ve particularly made during this pandemic haven’t gone unnoticed. Showing gratitude for these everyday heroes will go a long way toward building lasting goodwill. If this scary time has taught us anything, it’s that doctors and researchers will be the ones who get us out of this mess. They are the ones working day and night to drive the recovery of the world.

7. Hygiene And Sanitation Are Important

General hygiene is always important. If any old lesson came in handy during the COVID-19 crisis it was that hygiene helps. We have all been taught to wash our hands every time we’ve been to a place that could have disease-causing germs or when we return home from outside and from time to time for good measure. And not just when there is a virus. You should know the drill by now. Wet your hands. Lather them with soap. Scrub for 20 seconds. Rinse off. Dry with a clean towel. It really is the best way to keep safe, because soap is a very effective way to kill viruses.

8. The Best Laid-Out Plans Can Fail

Many of us made plans to travel, pass exams, compete in tournaments and competitions, visit relatives, give stage performances etc, etc. And almost all of these plans have had to bite the dust as Covid-19 put paid to all of it. Who could have imagined a year of cancelled life? 2020 has been the most compelling argument for Plan B. Keep your options open.

9. Be Positive

‘Positive’ took on a completely different connotation this year. While we all dreaded its association with us (Covid-19!), there has never been a more relevant time for keeping our outlook positive in life. As we watched videos and listened to accounts of people suffering the worst crisis in this generation’s history, it was human hope that survived and thrived through it all.

10. Nature is Supreme

Nature showed us who’s boss in 2020. Bushfires in Australia, forest fires in California, and of course, the contagious virus that has literally grabbed us by the throat. Humankind cannot fathom the vastness, depths, heights, and penetration of Mother Nature. She has shown us snippets of her strength, and mankind has had to beat a very hasty and indefinite retreat. A not-so-subtle lesson to respect the ground we walk on.

11. Realize Who And What is Important in Life

If you didn’t invite some people to your wedding because of the limit on the number of guests allowed, know that you probably already know who is most important in your life. It was a year that made you realize who and what is important in life. Family and close friends became even more precious than before, as travel restrictions kept loved ones apart. Make sure you make time for them and cherish them. Also, eliminate the unnecessary activities of life such as indiscriminate surfing, mindless gossip over phones, and anything else you would not write home about.

12. Silence is Golden

Many of us spent a lot of time alone this year. The wonderful lesson is that being alone ≠ being lonely. Solitude is therapeutic. Find your quiet corner, away from the noise. In this quietude, you will meet your real self, and discover joy, peace, and harmony. Being confined to home can be the blessing you were hoping for.

Nobody knows what the ultimate outcome of the COVID-19 crisis will be, but one thing is certain—we are stronger when we act together. The lessons we absorb and the energy we put into making positive choices today will make a meaningful difference tomorrow.
