This is What Happens To Your Body When You're Heartbroken

Experiencing a broken heart is one of the hardest things someone will go through. You may feel sad and weak, but there are reasons your body is reacting this way. 

This is what happens to your body when you get your heart broken-


If you've ever had your heart broken, one of the first things that you may notice is the mixed thoughts you're having. It may be hard to concentrate or to even think straight. When someone breaks your heart, your world gets turned upside down and it's hard for your brain to stay focused, so it gets confused. Your brain is focused on sadness from your broken heart, so it's distracted. No, You aren't going crazy, this is completely normal!


Have you ever heard stories of people and animals dying from a broken heart?
Well, it can really happen. Some people who have experienced a broken heart have felt actual pain in their chest. When someone is going through extreme grief, the heart can slow down and the muscle can weaken. If this is something you are experiencing, it may be a good idea to get a checkup. There have been studies that heartbreak can cause someone to go into cardiac arrest, so make sure to take care of yourself.


When your body is going through something as emotional as heartbreak, it will be able to detect other pain as well. You may notice that you are cramping more often. This is because your body is so drained from all the emotions, that you could be more susceptible to cramps. If you notice this, you should make sure to take it easy on yourself. No hard workouts, no greasy foods that could upset your stomach, and make sure you are getting plenty of rest!


When you are experiencing heartbreak your mind is going through so many emotions. Your body reacts as if it were in a high-stress environment. Because of this, your eating habits will be all out of whack after your heart is broken. People deal with things differently; Some people will eat to numb the pain, while others will be sick just thinking about food. Either way, it's normal to have change in your eating habits. Just make sure you're aware of how your body is reacting and try to correct your eating habits to avoid unwanted weight gain or starvation.


Much like having mix thoughts after heartbreak, your brain is mixing up signals, and they could be causing you to lose sleep. We all have a chemical in our body called 'DOPAMINE'. This chemical helps regulate sleeping patterns. When you are going through heartbreak, your brain will be confused and release dopamine to cause you to wake up, even if you aren't ready. Because of this, you will start losing sleep, which could cause you to sleep all day and be up all night.


If you have been ever through heartbreak, then you may have noticed that you had actual physical pain as well as emotional pain. Our bodies are highly in tune with our emotions, so when one is in pain it could cause the other to start hurting. Have you ever been physically sick, so much it made you sad? 
The same can be true with being emotionally sick from heartache; It can cause you to feel sick, drained, or even achy. If this is happening to you, just know that you aren't being dramatic, you are just going through a tough broken heart.


Another way stress from heartbreak can affect your body is by experiencing abnormal hair loss. Our bodies handle stress differently, some people can't eat, some people can't sleep and some people lose their hair. This can be very upsetting, especially since you are going through a tough time already. Just know that not all of your hair will fall out, and it won't last forever. If you notice your hair is shedding more than usual, try to reduce your stressors, and try to get some emotional support by talking to friends and family.


After experiencing heartbreak, you may notice that you feel like you are coming down with a cold or getting sick. Because you have been through such an emotional whirlwind, it could have weakened your immune system. Your eating habits have changed, you may be getting less sleep, and you probably haven't taken the best care of yourself. All of these things can attribute to awaken the immune system, and you might get sick easier. If you feel this could be happening to you, make sure to load up on vitamin C. Drink water, and make sure you are eating healthy.


One of the hardest thing about going through heartbreak is the withdrawal that you may experience. When someone falls in love, there is a chemical reaction in the brain that makes it experience the same high as if they are on drugs. So, when you spend a lot of time with someone who makes your brain release this chemical, you can go through real symptoms of withdrawal when they are gone. You may find yourself trying to get little fixes by texting or calling that person, but just remember that you aren't together for a reason. The sooner you cope with your heartbreak, the sooner it will stop hurting.
