How To Change Your Life For The Better in 2021

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions because most of the time I don't end up keeping them and then I just feel worse because I committed to something and didn't follow through with it.
But the real key to making your life amazing this year is to find what makes you happy and do whatever it takes to get it and keep it. 

So, here are some ways to make this the best year of your life and if you do these things, your life will definitely change for the better. Some of these take time to overcome, but you are worth it. So you better get out of your own way.

Here are the steps to change your life for the better-

1. Identify And Eliminate Toxic People 

Life is beautiful without people bringing you down. Toxic people can affect your self-esteem and confidence in many ways. Toxic people are not the most horrible or Evil people, they are not just right for you. So you need to identify the toxic people and remove them from your life permanently. You will realise that how happy and beautiful life becomes when you are not surrounded by negative energy.

2. Determine What You Want For Yourself 

The year 2020 has told us that life is short, precious and sweet. How are you going to live it? You never know when your time is up. So you must go out there and grab what you want. Do not allow other people's opinions affect your decisions. Don't allow others to dictate where you go and what you do. Most importantly, don't live your life with regrets. Go for it, it's your chance. 

3. Stop Waiting For Things To Happen

If you want something, now is the time because the sooner you act and move, the quicker you get there. If you wait for the perfect time to do a certain thing, it is never going to happen. You have to make it happen.

4. Stop Neglecting Your Mental Health 

Mental health is the most important aspect to focus on and take care of. Yet many people don't care for their mental health for a variety of reasons. You can take a nice bath, go to the gym, turn off your phone and read a book. Your self-care is individual to you. It is something that you can do for yourself and relax. If therapy is something that you don't want to do, make sure to build a good self-care routine.

5. Let Go of The Pain And Resentment From The Past 

You need to fix this because until you do, you're not going to be happy. You need to let the past be the past. You can't carry around all the pain, anger and resentment because it will affect every aspect of your life. And letting go of the past doesn't mean you do not have scars, we all do. It is the scars that make us stronger if we can get past them but if you hang on to them, you will never be happy. Stop living in the past, forgive people and move on.

6. Stop Living in The Past And Forgive Yourself 

You might've screwed some things up in the past but at least you tried. Failure is life. But as long as you are trying and striving for the better, you deserve to be successful. So you have to forget all the mistakes that you did in the past. You also need to forgive yourself, the way that you are trying to forgive other people, for doing you wrong and screwing up your life. You deserve to be happy, healthy and successful.
