7 Signs Someone is A Fake Friend

There is nothing more amazing than a good friend but on the flip side, there's nothing worse than thinking someone's your friend when they are not. It sucks when you realise that you have invested time and energy into a friendship only to find out that they are not really your friend

These Are The 7 Signs To Know Your Friend is Fake-

1. They Never Appreciate Your Advice

They are somebody in your life who is always asking you for advice or they are always dumping their emotional baggage on you. These fake friends ask for advice, which you give them, but they never use it. The truth is as humans we have limited resources in terms of emotional bandwidth and time in our day, and if there's somebody that is wasting yours, they are not your friend. They also always seem to make bad decisions.

2. They Talk or Gossip Behind Your Back 

If there are people in your life that you have found out or heard that they are talking bad things about you or gossiping about you behind your back, they are not your friend.

3. They Are Not Excited, Happy or Proud When You Succeed 

Good friends are your cheerleaders while fake friends downplay the situation. Make and stay friends with those who want the best for you. 

4. They Freak-out Whenever You Call Them On Their Bullsh!t

Suppose your friend is behaving badly and you tell them that they probably shouldn't do this, do they get mad at you? The fake friends will probably be freaked out and yell at you. They may even not talk to you for a while. Your friends should be able to handle constructive criticism rather than blow-up on you and most importantly they should respect your opinion.

5. You Have To Walk On Eggshells 

Do you have people in your life with whom you can't actually be honest with because it hurts their feelings or they get all mad? You should not have to walk on eggshells around your friends. You should not have people in your life with whom you cannot be honest with or people that make you feel super uncomfortable being around. You should be able to be yourself and honest with your friends.

6. You Only Hear From Them When They Need Something 

If they are genuinely your friend, they engage with you regularly. Some friends you don't talk all the time, but when you do talk, they are not calling because they need something. True friends will talk to you on a regular basis and ask you how you're doing in life.

7. They Don't Have Your Back And Don't Stand Up For You 

If somebody is truly your friend they will stand by your side. True friends will defend you when someone's talking trash about you, even if you are not a 100% right.
