6 Simple Ways To Be Healthier

Your health is the number one most valuable asset that you have because without it nothing else matters. And it doesn't matter how much money you have or what car you drive, if you are not healthy it doesn't matter. 

I have gathered 6 ways to be healthier in 2020. These are just lifestyle modifications and nothing too drastic. Simple little things that you can do that make a big difference in terms of your health. 
So here are the 6 ways:

1. Stop Focusing Just On Building Muscles

It is about having a well-rounded fitness program which is going to help you be healthier. There are three components to every fitness program. 
They include muscle building which is the Weightlifting and it is fun because it makes your body good looking. 
The second component of a well-rounded fitness program is Cardiovascular Exercise. Cardio helps strengthen your body, heart, lungs and help you to not get skinny fat. 
And third is you need to stretch your body. It is about having all three of these components in your weekly workout routine. 

2. Eat A Better Diet

Too often people think that when you got to eat healthily you got to eat salads and all sorts of boring untasty food and that is one of the main reasons why diets just don't work. They think that you got to give up all the good stuff in order to be healthy but the reality is you should focus on the quality of food that you are actually consuming like less processed foods and more whole grains, more vegetables. 
The good thing is that with people getting more health-conscious, there are a lot more healthy and tasty alternatives to boring salads. 

3. Take Your Vitamins 

There is more to health then what meets the eye and it is critical that every one of you fill in the nutritional gaps that your diet may be lacking.

4. Get Better Sleep 

To do that I would recommend making your room cold and dark. These two things are going to help you get better sleep. Another aspect of getting good sleep is sleeping long enough. You must figure out a way to get 8 Good hours of sleep a night. Now, this may mean that you got to go to bed an hour early or this may mean you might not want to bring your phone in the bedroom because when you are surfing your phone in the night the blue light affects your circadian rhythm. 

5. Drink 1 Gallon Of Water Everyday 

1 gallon or 3.5 litres of water a day should be your goal and what's gonna happen is you will be amazed at all sorts of amazing things that happen to your body. Not only you are going to feel better but also your skin is going to be clearer and your under-eye bags will disappear because you are hydrated. 
One of the most important things that you can do to be healthy is to stay hydrated. Somebody who is drinking a lot of caffeinated beverage or who drinks a lot of alcohol will always feel dehydrated and should drink a lot of water because both of those caffeine and alcohol dehydrate you.

6. Forgive Yourself 

Forgive yourself for messing up and move on. It is time for you to stop living in the past, stop beating yourself up and to stop being mad at people in your life. It is time for you to forgive them. They say that forgiveness is a gift that we give ourselves. I am not saying that people haven't done crappy things to you but they are human, right?
People do the best job they can with the hand that they were dealt with. Unfortunately, what I have learned for me is that we sometimes are Collectorate damage for other people having messed up lives. It is about freeing yourself from all the pain, anger, resentment and all the bad crappy things that have happened to you. It's about you being happy. It is about you releasing it and forgiving yourself. Forgiving yourself for the things that you might have messed up and for the things that you haven't accomplished. Don't worry about the past. The future is bright and you are incredible. 
